Plant Nurseries grow plants and trees for domestic and commercial uses. They have a capacity to grow trees, plants, flowering plants and fruits as well. Nurseries are a vital source of supply of plants to the cities and other populated areas. They have expert engineers and gardeners to manage plants and take care of them. Keeping plants alive requires a lot of care and maintenance of the nursery environment. It is done to make the most suitable environment for plants to survive and grow in all seasons.
Precisely, Plant Nurseries maintain the controlled atmosphere inside the nursery to protect plants from dying. Keeping plants alive is important for the regeneration of the seeds and saplings. Following are the main things involved in keeping plants alive at nurseries.
1. Plantation in Correct Season

2. Soil Maintenance at Plant Nurseries
3. Remove Weeds and Dry Leaves

4. Sufficient Watering
5. Pest Control For Plant Nurseries

6. Exposure to Sunlight
7. Greenhouse
Plant Nurseries in a greenhouse can contain the oxygen released and remove the carbon dioxide in a contained environment. Greenhouses are an effective way to keep plants fresh and prolong their life as well as others. Steady growth for plants is necessary and greenhouses buffer the ambient temperature that protects the plants. In cold areas greenhouses have a type known as sunroom where people can enjoy sitting as well as plantation. Greenhouses have a proven positive effect on the fast growth of plants. Moreover the greenhouses are a low cost alternative to constructed nurseries.

8. Pest Control in Nurseries

Mahnoor Murtaza is the Content Writer, who has beed writing content for the HALSCO website since 2022. She’s been involved in content writing since 2022 and specializes in English Literature & linguistics. She has worked with us on several projects to create web content and blogs/articles.